Pigeons are intelligent, delightful, emotional creatures who deserve better than what they've been given.

Moose's Flock is a sanctuary and rescue dedicated to helping as many of these amazing birds as possible. We provide foster and adoptive homes for unreleasable ferals and domestic pigeons in Southern California. We also educate the general public on pigeon history, welfare and their ability to make amazing pets. Lastly, we advocate for kinder ways to live alongside these creatures whom we created and then abandoned to their fate.

Meet The Sanctuary Flock
Meet The Sanctuary FlockAbout Us
The Truth About Pigeons
The Truth About PigeonsLearn More
How Can I Help?
How Can I Help?Foster/Adopt Info

This Is Rescue

Stories of hope, hardship, resilience & love.

Meet Our Ambassabird Turkey

Turkey is a German Beauty Homer pigeon that was taken...

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Frankie & the Resilience of the Pigeon

Frankie was found dumped in a feral flock that is...

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City Pigeon in Grocery Outlet

A kind employee of the Grocery Store Outlet in downtown...

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Birds Helped


Critical Medical Cases


Birds Adopted



Vote With Your Wallet

These companies, non-profits and artists are pro-pigeon rescue! Please support them.

Help Us Change Their World.