Foster or Adopt Requirements

Housing. An appropriately sized, safe, predator and rodent-proof uncrowded cage (indoors) or aviary (outside) approved by Moose’s Flock.

Daily care. Fresh food, clean water, poop clean-up, checking for and replacing eggs

Companionship. Lots of time with you or another bird, not home alone all day. Supervised, safe, indoor out-of-cage time daily, unless living in an aviary.

Veterinary care. Exams and treatment from an avian veterinarian if sick or injured

No free flight. No uncaged time outdoors unless properly protected in a stroller, carrier, or harness

No breeding. Hatch prevention if your bird has a mate. Replace real eggs with fake.

No exploitation. No selling, sporting or business use of Palomacy birds

Forever home . For Adopters Only. Provide a safe and loving home under all circumstances (including illness or moving) and a pet-care plan in case something happens to you. If you feel you are unable to keep your bird, contact Palomacy first, with an offer to return the bird to us.

We Provide Lifelong Advice and Support To All Our Adopters and Fosters!