Meet Our Ambassabird Turkey

Turkey is a German Beauty Homer pigeon that was taken under the wing of Great Lakes Pigeon Rescue after he was dropped off at a wildlife rehabber’s facility. He was in a very bad state – starved, depressed and with horrific feather quality (this is not a regular molt).

Once given time to rest and gain weight at GLPR’s medical facility, it was discovered that Turkey LOVES people and children. It is clear that at some point in his past he had a very positive experience with humans. 

Aviaries make Turkey stressed, so he came to live at Moose’s Flock as an indoor pigeon and our first educational ambassador (ambassabird). He is married to Jenna and follows her everywhere. He loves car rides, Trader Joe’s, walks to the park and snuggling in one of the many nests he has built around the house. He has separation anxiety but it has improved as he’s grown confident that he will not be abandoned again.

He has only a passing interest in other pigeons, preferring his humans, his sexy stainless steel water bottle and whatever pair of shoes he can find to flirt with. 

German Beauty Homers, like all fancy breeds of pigeons, were selectively bred by humans for certain traits. These traits are picked by humans without thought to how they affect the quality of life of the bird who is stuck with them. Turkey’s nose (called a cere) is much larger than the average pigeon, and his beak is curved. Because of this he gets seeds stuck in his nostrils every time he eats. He also regularly inhales little feathers. His nose gets cleaned out 3-4x a day, but he still has a bit of post nasal drip due to all the irritants constantly getting trapped up there. 

Despite this and his traumatic past, Turkey is a chatty, happy and very loving pigeon. He has no fear and much joy now that he is in his forever home. 

Turkey is happy to meet your classroom of kids, your group of senior residents, your teens, your vet students your anything. Please reach out if you are interested in meeting a pigeon and learning more about how amazing they are. In the meantime, he will be here getting snuggles, eating fine food, and being completley and utterly spoiled.