Frequently Asked Questions

(thank you Palomacy for all the amazing educational resources so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel)

I found a lost pigeon/dove. What do I do?

Please catch it & bring it inside to safety. This link will provide more detailed information.

I want to adopt a pigeon or dove. What do I need to know about care and feeding?

Pigeons and doves are easy to care for! See below for all the deets.

What is the best cage for a pigeon or dove?

Pigeons and doves prefer horizontal space over vertical space. Sizing requirements, decorating tips and other needs are detailed below.

I found a lost racing pigeon. Should I return them to their owner?

No! Racing pigeons that don’t make it home can’t win a race, and are useless to a pigeon racing enthusiast. They will either be culled or used as a breeder bird if they are returned. Learn more here:

I want to build an aviary for rescued pigeons or doves. What do I need to know?

Aviaries can be a beautiful and impressive addition to any backyard. However, they MUST be completely predator proof. Follow these instructions to build a safe space and avoid a horrific and traumatic event.

I have a rescued pigeon or dove couple. How do I safely prevent breeding?

Pigeons and doves are not like parrots. They will not stop laying eggs even if you follow parrot anti-breeding protocol. Instead, swap their real eggs for fakes. Here’s how:

More resources:

I Want To Adopt a Bird But I Have Cats and Dogs – Is That OK?

Why Are Dove Releases Cruel?

What Is Pigeon Racing & Why Are You Against It?

Why Do Feral Pigeon Feet Get Injured, or What Is Stringfoot?

How Do I Hold and Befriend A Pigeon?

I Am Not Local To San Diego – How Do I Find A Pigeon Friendly Rescue?

I Need Help With A Rescued Pet Pigeon/Dove and/or I Am Looking For An Online Rescue Community

We Recommend Feathers and Fur Animal Hospital for Experienced Pigeon & Dove Care